The Last Day At Work While Others Holiday
A manic day at work, getting everything as ready as possible before leaving for a week - we all know what that's like. Of course, those from the office know even more what the last week's been like - very busy, to say the least.
My mood wasn't particularly helped by the text I got from Matt at around 5pm, saying "Sitting in a bar on the beach, waiting for the car to the airport." Yes, Matt's had the last week off, while I've been slaving away. Actually, Joe's been off too - so I'm going to be turning up knackered, while they're sleekly rested athletes. Or something like that, I'm sure.
A bit worried about the lack of preparation - haven't ridden for two weeks, since the 80 mile training ride to Dummer.
Final Preparations
Still, being at work provided a good opportunity to print off the entire route at 1:50,000 scale. Quite impressive and frightening. Each day is between 9 and 13 sheets of A4. Very interesting to see the detail of where we're going, and the different terrain - and, of course, the location of those PH symbols for a little light refreshment.
It's interesting the effect such a stack of maps has on some people. Tom muttered, "How sad". Jess said "Oh great - let's play 110 sheet pickup!", but then revealed her numerically obsessive self by settling down to number all the sheets to mitigate the effect of a 110 sheet pickup. Things were slowed down by her need to make sure each pair of adjacent sheets actually married up. And writing "woop woop half way" on the appropriate sheet. And drawing Nessy (sic) on Loch Ness.
Catching the train tomorrow morning, at the leisurely time of 1026 from Emsworth - joined by my tanned compatriot. More to come, hopefully in the next few days.
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